Remember that time when the kitchen was just a grim work area? It seems like a distant memory because a lot has changed since then. The kitchen has evolved into a multi-functional space; now, its purpose goes beyond serving meals; it’s about sharing light moments with friends, telling stories to kids, and much more. As a result, it’s natural to put a lot of thought into its design, to ensure it can accommodate your needs. Many considerations go into kitchen design, and choosing a style is among your top priorities.

Now, let’s clarify one thing from the beginning: there is no such thing as the right or wrong kitchen style. There is just the kitchen style that fits you. Depending on how you plan to use the space, you can either prioritise making it as comfy as possible or focusing more on its practicality – or both. But with so many options available, deciding which kitchen style is more suitable for your home can be challenging. But don’t worry – that’s why we’re here! In this blog, we will walk you through the different kitchen styles so you can make a decision you will be proud of. Ready? Let’s dive into it!

Why the kitchen style is essential

Choosing a kitchen style isn’t just about aesthetics – it’s also about whether your space reflects your lifestyle, and improves your kitchen functionality. The kitchen style can make or break the overall design, impacting everything from the layout and fixtures to the type of appliances you use. 

A carefully planned kitchen style will help you achieve a cohesive feel and look, turning the space into an inviting one, where you can cook, dine and socialise with loved ones. On the contrary, your kitchen won’t likely feel enjoyable if you have an outdated style. Hence, it only makes sense to spend the time to make a choice you will be satisfied with.  

The most popular kitchen styles

Although choosing among so many kitchen styles can be daunting, the variety can also be seen as an advantage. There are no limitations when choosing among the best kitchen unit design! Let’s explore the most popular styles below.

Traditional kitchen style

Traditional kitchens exude elegance. They incorporate rich wood tones, time-honoured shades, ornate details, and timeless design elements to help create a stylish and comfy kitchen. One of their main advantages is that they help create an inviting atmosphere due to their luxurious materials and warm colours. Moreover, traditional kitchens are practical, providing plenty of workspace. 

In fact, they are called “working” kitchens, so when it comes to functionality, it is essentially impossible to go wrong with choosing them. Traditional kitchens have only two significant downsides: they can be expensive depending on the materials used and require regular maintenance.

Modern kitchen style

Modern kitchens stand out through their minimal detailing, simplicity and functionality. Due to their geometric forms and sleek lines, they result in an uncluttered, clean look, giving the impression of a more spacious and relaxing space. Every element of the modern kitchen is created for ease of use, featuring pull-out mechanisms and drawers. Moreover, they can be personalised to a significant degree, providing myriad colours, materials and finishes. 

If you want to create an uncluttered look in the kitchen, the modern style is an ideal option – remember that this design can often feel impersonal. However, you can solve this problem by adding natural materials and warm colours to the design.

Scandinavian kitchen style

Scandinavian kitchens are recognizable due to their brightness and simplicity. With clean lines and a neutral colour palette, the Scandinavian design allows you to achieve a functional and minimalist space that focuses on sustainability and quality. If you value simplicity and functionality, then you should definitely opt for a Scandinavian style. 

However, practising discipline and committing to regular decluttering is essential if you want to keep the Scandinavian kitchen looking just as new and beautiful as the first time you designed it.

Farmhouse kitchen style

Are you looking to create a rustic and cosy charm in your space? If so, look no further than farmhouse kitchens. This style is characterised by natural elements, such as vintage furniture, natural wood, and antique accents, helping create a welcoming and warm ambience in your space. Generally, this type of kitchen uses light and airy colour schemes, incorporating plenty of pastels, whites and creams. 

Farmhouse kitchens have a timeless appeal, and although they may seem old-fashioned, they are designed with practicality in mind, offering plenty of storage space. If you want to use your kitchen both for cooking and entertaining, don’t hesitate to opt for the farmhouse style.

Japandi kitchen style

Japandi style blends the sophistication and minimalism of Japanese design with the warmth and practicality of Scandi design. Their main features are muted colour palettes, clean lines, and dark or black wood accents. Moreover, natural light is also an essential element in this type of design, and you can use skylights, large windows, or under-cabinet lighting to illuminate the space effectively. 

The Japandi style is ideal if you’re seeking a minimalist design to help you achieve a serene atmosphere in your kitchen. However, it’s worth noting that finding the right balance between warmth and minimalism can be pretty challenging when designing a Japandi kitchen.

Factors that can help you determine which kitchen style is right for you

We have explored some of the most popular kitchen styles, but the list is not comprehensive, as many other designs are available. Although it may seem challenging to stick to only one style, it’s not an impossible mission! Here are some aspects to help you decide:

  • The architecture of your home: the kitchen should complement the house’s overall look (for instance, a Colonial Revival home requires a traditional style).
  • Your lifestyle: The choice of a kitchen style will depend greatly on how you use this space. For example, if you cook often, choose the Scandinavian style, which offers extensive storage space. 
  • Your taste. Ultimately, if the kitchen doesn’t reflect your personal taste, can you call it yours? So, think of your preferences, not what is trendy right now.
  • Your budget. Sure, all the above factors are important when choosing a kitchen style, but you will not be able to design your kitchen how you want if you don’t have the money to do so. Hence, it’s essential to figure out your budget before deciding. 


As you can see, there are many kitchen styles you can choose from, but ultimately, it’s all about sticking to that one option that resonates with you the most. So, take the time to consider them all and create a space that feels inviting.