So, you’ve decided to give your home a makeover? Well, before you go on a spree with a sledgehammer and start making all kinds of big changes there are a few things you should probably do to ensure that you make all of the right decisions and get the results you really want…

  1. Dream Big, Plan Bigger

First up, let’s talk vision. Having a grand idea is great, but the magic is in the details. Sketch out what you want each room to look like. Use apps or good old-fashioned pencil and paper to plan. Remember, a plan is like a map: without it, you might find yourself metaphorically lost between the bathroom tiles and kitchen cabinets, wishing you’d just stayed in bed.

  1. Budget Like a Boss

Once you’ve got the vision, it’s time to talk numbers. Set a realistic budget, and then add a bit extra for those just-in-case scenarios. Think of it as the financial shock absorber for when things inevitably cost more than expected. No one wants to choose between a half-finished conservatory and eating beans for the foreseeable future.

  1. Get Inspired by Reality

While it’s great to scroll through Pinterest or flick through magazines, if you want to ensure you make all of the right home decor decisions, it is a good idea to get a reality check and see what other people are doing, so you can work out what worlds for you and what does not. Visit kitchen showrooms, bathroom showrooms, and even model homes in the flesh to get a real feel for materials, finishes, and layouts. It’s also a fantastic way to see the latest designs and technology in action, like magic drawers that close softly enough to never disturb a sleeping cat. Plus, you can’t really judge a tap’s water pressure online, can you?

  1. Permission Granted?

Before you go knocking down walls or adding a turret to your suburban semi, check if you need planning permission. The last thing you need is to build your dream extension only to discover it’s not exactly legal. Dealing with council paperwork might be as fun as watching paint dry, but it beats the chaos of legal headaches later.

  1. Find the Right Help

Unless you’re a secret carpentry wizard, you’ll probably need some professional help. Hiring the right contractors can make or break your renovation dreams. Look for recommendations, check reviews, and always, always verify credentials and insurance. You want a team that turns up on time and can tell their plasterboard from their particle board.

  1. Prepare for Dust, Noise, and Tea

Renovations are messy, noisy, and disruptive. It’s not just the dust storm; it’s the endless drilling, the parade of tradespeople, and the never-ending requests for tea and biscuits. Prepare your home and your mindset. Set up a temporary kitchen if yours is out of action, plan some escape days for when the noise gets too much, and stock up on tea bags.

  1. Communicate Clearly

Keep communication lines open with your contractors. Be clear about what you want, check in regularly, and don’t be afraid to speak up if something seems off. It’s your home, after all. Plus, being on first-name terms with the people recreating your living space can only help things go smoothly.