Staying active is one of the most important things we can do as human beings. Exercise has several benefits for mental and physical wellbeing, but finding the motivation or time to fit it in can be a challenging task for many. Sports clubs are more widely promoted for kids and teenagers, as opposed to adults – but that doesn’t mean there aren’t adult sports clubs out there. Whether you’re looking for a new hobby to help you stay active or you want to revisit a sport that you played as a kid – what are some factors to consider when deciding between local sports clubs? 

Time commitment 

Firstly, you should consider the time commitment that different sports or activities will demand. More competitive clubs or sports will require many more hours of training or planned fixtures. Team environments competing in competitive leagues may be more involved than you are hoping for, or it may just be the commitment you were after. If you want less time commitment, then you could consider a local running group or something similar. However, if you are interested in committing more time per week then you may want to opt for something like a local football or hockey team. 


The intensity of a sporting activity is also important to consider. Are you a fan of rigorous exercise or do you prefer something a little more gentle? You would be pushed to your limits in a CrossFit or rugby club, but you might prefer the more relaxed environment of a badminton or bowls club. Of course, you can try a few different sports to get a sense of what intensity you enjoy before joining. 

Sporting seasons 

Many sports clubs will have a set season, which means that you play or train at a certain time of the year. This can be helpful to consider if you have responsibilities throughout the annual calendar, for example, working abroad or looking after kids over the summer holidays. Sports like cricket are played predominantly over the summer months, but most competitive teams will train throughout the winter indoors. This is often a good opportunity to practice with your new cricket equipment before the season starts. Other sports like football and rugby are usually played over the winter months, which may suit your lifestyle better. 

Cost of entry 

Different sports clubs will also cost you more when it comes to buying equipment and kit. Athletics is a relatively cheap sport because you don’t need much more than a quality pair of trainers to begin with. More expensive sports to play include tennis, golf and ice hockey – where equipment prices create a high cost of entry for new players. 

Social aspect

Finally, you may want to join a sports club for the social aspect as much as the exercise element. Certain sports are more social where you play as part of a team, for instance, rugby and cricket teams usually spend time together after matches to enjoy food or drinks. If you’re not interested in socialising that much, then options like cycling, rowing or gymnastics may demand less of you when it comes to social activities.

John Pruitt

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