For many couples, having children is the ultimate goal in life. However, it comes more easily for some than others. 

In fact, the NHS estimates that 1 in 7 couples will struggle with infertility. If you have struggled to conceive despite trying for at least one year, you may be starting to lose hope. However, there are still several paths you could possibly take. Let’s take a look at some of them below.

Keep Trying

Firstly, couples who have struggled to fall pregnant can continue to keep trying naturally. While most couples expect to fall pregnant within one year of regular unprotected sex, it can take some couples far longer. Even if you have been told that the chances of a natural conception are slim due to infertility issues, there’s no reason to stop trying.

When taking this route, though, you must try to take the pressure off. Otherwise, you will cause unnecessary stress that may reduce your chances. It can also impact your sex life and general relationship. In most cases, then, it’s best to keep trying without any expectation while also pursuing other paths. 

Look At Infertility Treatments

Not being able to conceive naturally can cause frustration. Still, it does not have to end the hopes of becoming biological parents. Various infertility treatments are available, including IUI treatment and IVF. Whether opting for intrauterine insemination or in vitro fertilisation, the hopes of success do grow. However, there are no guarantees.

Alternative routes include using sperm or egg donors, depending on the reason you can’t get pregnant. Surrogacy is another option that may be considered. Ultimately, while you cannot be certain of having a child, there are several options that can be tried. The techniques are more advanced than ever before too. 


While having a biological child is the most common path to becoming a parent, there are other options. Adopting a child can be an incredibly rewarding thing to do. You will still create a loving family, and will additionally have helped a youngster who needed a loving home. In fact, many families with biological children still adopt too.

Adoption creates a permanent family dynamic. However, you can also consider the option of fostering. This creates a more temporary solution, but allows you to potentially help a far greater number of children in their times of need. As with adoption, becoming a foster parent is an immensely rewarding experience.

Enjoy Other Relationships

Having children simply isn’t on the cards for all couples. It may be tough to accept at first, but you can continue to make a positive impact on the lives of people around you. Nurturing family relationships with extended family members will enrich your life. Becoming an active auntie or uncle, for example, feels wonderful.

Parenthood isn’t the only way to enjoy life to the fullest or create the perfect family. Making the most of other human interactions, as well as relationships with your pets, can help you appreciate this. One way or another, you can still build the future that you deserve.

John Pruitt

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