Do you want to renovate your home? If so then you need to think about a lot of different things. Older homes are very different to modern-day properties, and if you aren’t careful, you may find that you end up committing to way more work than you might realize. If you want to help yourself here then one thing you can do would be to make a plan first, so you can document the jobs you are going to do and the various factors that could influence your work before starting. If you can do this then you will soon find that it is easier for you to make the right decisions.

Paint the Walls and Ceilings

One of the first things you need to do is paint the walls and the ceilings so you can then hide any imperfections. Often, some of the first features that make you fall in love with an old property include the door details, trim and molding. If this is the case then you may want to keep them, but the last thing you want is to limit how good your home could look overall. A coat of paint is often the best step for you to take if you want to highlight details such as this. You can paint the ceiling one color and then use a higher gloss on the trim. The best thing about doing this is that you can subtly draw attention without making it a stand-out feature. If you can put this palette in place then you will soon be able to embrace your features without having to worry about your home looking dated. 


If you have trim work that is in good shape then you need to try and paint it in a contrasting shade. If you want to show it off then this is one of the best ways for you to do that. Blue and green/gray work well, and it is a fantastic choice if you are very happy with being a little bolder with your choices. At the end of the day, applying the same color to the ceiling is one of the best ways for you to tie a look together and it also makes a statement for architectural appeal. If you want to do this well then it could be worth hiring a painter. A professional painter can work with you to make sure that you get the look you want out of your home and they can also make sure that you are happy with the overall finish. Doing it yourself can be a good idea if you are on a budget, but ultimately, it could cost you later down the line when the time comes for you to sell your home.

Stained Glass

If you have an older property then there is a chance that you could have some stained glass throughout. If you do then you need to use this to your advantage. Simple white walls can then act as a frame for any colorful displays you have in your home. If you have stained glass then you don’t want to remove it, as if you do then you may end up sucking the personality of your space which is the last thing you want to be doing.

Toxic Walls

A lot of properties of a certain age can contain very toxic substances. Of course, people didn’t know at the time that they could be so toxic, and so they were used quite a lot. If you want to do something about this then it could be wise for you to try and check before you do any kind of work. Houses that were built between the 1930s and 1980s may very well contain asbestos so if you rip this up or if you tear down insulation then it can release into the air. This will damage the lungs of those who live in the home, which is the last thing you want. If you want to protect yourself here then one thing you can do is try and get a professional to take care of this for you. Get them to install some new insulation in your home too, so you can stop your home from being too cold in winter, or too hot in summer.

It’s also important for you to look out for lead paint when the time comes for you to renovate your older home. The EPA estimates that around 87% of homes that were built in the 60s have lead paint and this can cause mental and physical health problems. This is especially the case if you have kids or if you are a pregnant woman. If you want to renovate a home that has lead paint or toxic chemicals then the best thing you can do would be for you to call in a professional. They have the right safety gear, so you can feel confident knowing that the job is being done properly. Lead paint can be painted over with paint that is lead-free, but even then, if you notice that the windowsills are chipping or they are cracking then you need to take precautions here.


If you have an older home then you may find that you have a lot of mold and mildew. Older homes are rife with moisture issues and a lot of this comes down to unidentified leaks and flooding. You may also have water damage that was not fixed properly the first time around. If this is the case then you need to take care of this as soon as possible. While the risk of this is not as bad as having asbestos or even lead, you do have to remember that mold and mildew can cause issues of its own. Mold can spread very quickly so if you find this during your renovation then you have to deal with it as soon as possible. Professionals do specialize in mold and mildew removal and this is great but most of the time you can deal with it yourself unless you have a major problem. With mold, just make sure that you are using a solution that contains hydrogen peroxide. Wear gloves when dealing with things like this if you can and make sure that you ventilate the space.

Roof Issues

If you are renovating an older home then there’s a very high chance that you will need to pay out for a new roof. Even good roofs have to be replaced every 50 years or so, plus if you have an older roof then you may find that it uses wooden shingles which can be very susceptible to leaks and fire. If you want to do something about this then it could be wise for you to try and check your roof before you do any work to it. You also need to make sure that it complies with the current regulations because if it doesn’t then this is a sign that you may need to get the whole thing replaced. In some states, wildfires occur every year and this means that any roofs have to be made with fire-resistant shingles. Contractors also have to install drains at the lower end of the roof unless the slope is designed so that water can drain over the edge. Even if you are an experienced DIY-er, you should not take care of any roofs yourself. If you do then you may find that you end up struggling to get the job done right and you may even find that you end up with even more leaks and issues in your home, which is the last thing you want when you have so much to deal with already.

Unstable and Unsafe Foundation

Foundational cracks can occur in almost any house but at the end of the day, as your home gets older, you may find that you are more likely to experience foundational damage. This includes groundwater, poor construction and even tree roots. A lot of older houses have a brick foundation too and these are not as stable as the ones that are made out of concrete. If you notice any foundational issues then it is so important that you deal with them as soon as possible. If you don’t then this could translate to more issues down the line and even more structural damages. It’s simple for you to repair very small cracks yourself and most of the time you can do this with some basic epoxy sealer. With that in mind though,  larger cracks that bulge out or ones that are bigger in width should be dealt with by a professional. If you don’t then you may find that the issue only gets worse with time. If you have a bulging foundation then this calls for a specialist repair, so make sure that you give this some consideration as it could make a major difference to the general safety and security of your home going into the future.